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388 lines
Extrait de Open Cluster Data 5th Edition (Lynga 1987)
Organisation du catalogue :
Les amas sont rΘpartis dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
du centre de zones premiΦre zone
------------- ------------ --------------
15 12 1
45 9 13
75 4 22
-15 12 26
-45 9 38
-75 4 47
Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
OCLrec = record ar,de :longint ;
cat,num,ocl,dim,dist,age,ms,mt,b_v,ns : smallint;
conc,range,rich,neb : char;
- ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- cat : numΘro du catalogue
- num : numΘro de sequence dans le catalogue
- ocl : numΘro OCL
- dim : dimension en minutes * 10
- dist : distance en parsec
- age : log de l'age de l'amas * 100
- ms : magnitude de l'Θtoile la plus brillante * 100
- mt : magnitude totale * 100
- b_v : indice de couleur b-v total * 100
- ns : nombre d'Θtoile
- conc : classe de concentration de Trumpler
- range : Θchelle de Trumpler
- rich : classe de richesse de Trumpler
- neb : nΘbulositΘ de Trumpler
Type Intervalle Format
------------ -------------------------- -------------------
Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
Description originale du catalogue :
VII/92A Open Cluster Data 5th Edition (Lynga 1987)
Catalogue of Open Cluster Data (5th Ed.)
Lynga G.
<Lund Observatory (1987)>
ADC_Keywords: Clusters, open ; Bibliography ; Combined data
The fifth edition of the Lund Catalogue of Open Cluster Data gives key
information for all known open star clusters in this galaxy. As far as
possible only published data have been quoted; for some of the
parameters, these values have been selected from other references, which
are listed. The catalog includes cluster identification, position,
reference, Trumpler classification, membership, angular diameter, mean
distance, reddening, turn-off color, age, Fe/H, radial velocity, star
types, magnitudes, color, number of observed stars, richness class,
earliest spectral class, magnitude brightest member, galactocentric
distance, linear diameter, and comments.
Further errors have been corrected at CDS: see below the
"Historical Notes" section. A few questions still remain
(see section "Problems" below)
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
intro.doc 80 609 Original introduction file
edited.txt 132 8640 Catalogue Print file (pages of 60 lines)
alias.txt 132 2040 Alias file
refs.txt 132 670 Reference File
catalog.dat 514 1151 The Catalogue Data File
galactic.dat 54 1111 Galactic Coordinate File
Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 2 I2 --- ClSeq [1/64] Cluster Sequence code (1)
3- 6 I4 --- ClNum Number inside Cluster Sequence
8- 9 I2 h RAh2000 Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
10- 13 F4.1 min RAm2000 Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
14 A1 --- DE-2000 Declination 2000 (sign)
15- 16 I2 deg DEd2000 Declination 2000 (degrees)
17- 18 I2 arcmin DEm2000 Declination 2000 (minutes)
20- 21 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 1950 (hours)
22- 25 F4.1 min RAm Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
26 A1 --- DE- Declination 1950 (sign)
27- 28 I2 deg DEd Declination 1950 (degrees)
29- 30 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 1950 (minutes)
31- 34 F4.2 0.1min/yr precRA Precession in RA (for 10 years)
35- 38 F4.1 0.1arcmin/yr precDE Precession in DE (for 10 years)
39- 44 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
45- 50 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
51- 54 I4 --- LundRec [1/1212]+ Record number on Lund disc
55- 58 I4 --- OCL [1/1039]? OCL number (ref.19)
59- 64 F6.1 arcmin Diam ? Selected Angular diameter
65- 68 I4 --- r_Diam [-1/527]? Reference for angular
diameter (7)
69- 72 I4 pc Dist ? Distance
74- 76 I3 --- r_Dist [1/527]? reference for Distance
77- 81 F5.2 yr log.Age [6/10]? log(age), years
82- 84 I3 --- r_log.Age [1/527]? reference for log(age)
85- 89 F5.2 Sun [Fe/H] [-.8/.3]? Metallicity, logarithmic
90- 92 I3 --- r_[Fe/H] [1/527]? reference for metallicity
93- 98 F6.2 mag E(B-V) [0/2]? Reddening
99-100 A2 --- r_E(B-V) [-*0-9] reference for Reddening (5)
101-102 A2 --- ClTyp [DO] "DO" indicates at doubtful
103-104 I2 --- r_ClTyp [19]? reference for ClTyp
105-106 I2 --- N(Ap) Number of Ap stars
107-108 I2 --- N(Am) Number of Am stars
109-110 I2 --- N(mAp) Number of marginal Ap stars
111-112 I2 --- N(mAm) Number of marginal Am stars
113-114 I2 --- N(WR) Number of WR stars
115-116 I2 --- N(Of) Number of Of stars
117-118 I2 --- N(Be) Number of Be stars
119-120 I2 --- N(sh) Number of Shell stars
121-122 I2 --- N(Be+sh) Number of Be+Shell stars
123-124 I2 --- N(He-weak) Number of He weak stars
125-126 I2 --- N(He-rich) Number of He rich stars
127-128 I2 --- N(Cep) Number of Cepheids
129-130 I2 --- N(PN) Number of Planetary nebulae
131-132 I2 --- N(C*) Number of Carbon stars
133-134 I2 --- N(LPV) Number of Long period variable stars
135-136 I2 --- N(dSct) Number of Delta Scuti stars
137-138 I2 --- N(bCep) Number of Beta Cephei stars
139-140 I2 --- N(RCrB) Number of R Cor Bor stars
141-142 I2 --- N(BaII) Number of Ba II stars
143-144 I2 --- N(UGem) Number of ? U Geminorum stars
145-164 5I4 --- refN [1/527]? References for numbers of
peculiar stars
Part of Dixon's catalogue of non-stellar objects (ref.128)
165-166 A2 --- POSS-type ? POSS chart type (So/O/E=1/2/3) (2)
167-170 I4 --- POSS ? POSS chart number (2)
172-173 I2 h RAhPOSS ? Right Ascension POSS (hours) (2)
175-176 I2 min RAmPOSS ? Right Ascension POSS (minutes) (2)
178-180 I3 deg DEdPOSS ? Declination POSS (degrees) (2)
181-183 I3 mm xPOSS ? Position position on POSS chart,
mm (2)
184-186 I3 mm yPOSS ? Position position on POSS chart,
mm (2)
187-190 I4 arcmin maxDiam ? Max angular diam, min of arc (2)
191-194 F4.1 mag maxBr ? Brightest star (2)
195-196 I2 --- TrConc [0/4]? Trumpler concentration class
197-198 I2 --- TrRange [0/3]? Trumpler Range class
199-200 A2 --- TrRich [mpr ] Trumpler Richness class
202 A1 --- TrNeb [nue ] Trumpler nebulosity
204 I1 --- inRef.128 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
(ref.128) (2)
206 I1 --- POSS.128 [0/1]? '1' if cluster has POSS data
in (ref.128) (2)
Part of Strasbourg-Bochum file (ref.50):
207-210 I4 arcmin Diam.50 ? Selected angular diameter (2)
211-214 I4 pc Dist.50 ? Distance (2)
215-218 F4.1 mag maxBr.50 ? Brightest star
220-224 I5 --- Sp.50 [10005/10308]? Spectral class code
225-228 F4.1 mag totMag.50 ? Total magnitude
229-232 F4.2 mag E(B-V).50 ? Colour excess (2)
233-234 I2 --- inRef.50 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
(ref.50) (2)
Data received from B. Skiff (ref.422):
235-238 F4.1 mag totMag.422 ? Total magnitude
239-242 F4.2 mag i(B-V).422 ? Integrated color (B-V)
243-246 I4 --- N.422 ? Number of stars considered
Data received from K. Janes (ref.265):
247-250 I4 --- Num.265 [0/938]? Janes-Adler star number
252 I1 --- Class.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler class
254-256 I3 --- Ref.265 ? Janes-Adler references (2)
258 I1 --- maxClass.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler maximum class
260 I1 --- Rich.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler richness class
261-264 F4.2 --- E(B-V).265 ? Janes-Adler Color Excess E(B-V)
266-268 I3 --- r_E(B-V).265 [1/527]? Janes-Adler ref. for E(B-V)
269-272 F4.2 mag turn.265 ? Janes-Adler (B-V) turn-off point
274-276 I3 --- r_turn.265 [1/527]? Janes-Adler ref for (B-V)
turn-off point
Results of 1982 examination (ref.320)
278 I1 --- TrConc.320 [0/4]? Trumpler concentration class
280 I1 --- TrRange.320 [0/3]? Trumpler range class
281-282 A2 --- TrRich.320 [mpr ] Trumpler richness class
284 A1 --- TrNeb.320 [n-] Trumpler nebulosity class
286-288 I3 --- Members.320 ? Number of member stars
290-294 F5.1 --- Diam.320 ? Angular diameter
Chart used by Lynga (ref.320) or, if not in that survey,
295-296 A2 --- POSS-type.320 [sorjeir ] Survey chart type (3)
297-300 I4 --- POSS.320 [0/1619]? chart number
302-303 I2 h RAhPOSS.320 ? Right Ascension POSS (hours)
305-306 I2 min RAmPOSS.320 ? Right Ascension POSS (minutes)
308-310 I3 deg DEdPOSS.320 ? Declination POSS (degrees)
311-313 I3 mm xPOSS.320 [0/350]? distance from left edge of
314-316 I3 mm yPOSS.320 [0/350]? distance from bottom edge
of chart
318 I1 --- hasClass.320 [0/1]? '1' if cluster classified
in ref.320
320 I1 --- ESO/SERC [0/1]? '1' if cluster is on ESO/SERC
322-324 F3.1 --- w_RVel [0/1.0]? Weights for radial
velocity (6)
325-328 I4 km/s RVel ? Radial Velocity
330 I1 --- RVelClass [0/5]? Weight class for radial
331-350 5I4 --- r_RVel [1/527]? references for radial
Buscombe Compilation (ref.64):
351-354 I4 km/s RVel.64 ? Radial Velocity (2)
355-358 I4 pc Dist.64 ? Distance (2)
359-362 F4.2 mag E(B-V).64 ? E(B-V) (2)
363-366 F4.1 mag iMag.64 ? Integrated apparent pg.
magnitude (2)
367-370 F4.1 mag iAbsMag.64 ? Integrated absolute Bmag (2)
371-374 I4 pc Diam.64 ? Absolute Diameter (2)
375-378 F4.2 yr log(age).64 ? log(age), years (2)
379-382 F4.2 solMas s log.Mass.64 ? log (Mass), solar masses (2)
383-384 F2.1 --- inRef.64 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
(ref.64) (2)
Basel data (ref.37):
385-386 A2 --- phSystem.37 Photometric system for following
data (2)
387-390 F4.2 mag E(B-V).37 ? Colour excess (2)
391-394 F4.2 mag Av.37 ? Interstellar extinction (2)
395-398 I4 pc Dist.37 ? Distance (2)
399-404 I6 --- Sp.37 [0/11000]? Spectral type of hottest
405-410 I6 --- ColBlue.37 [0/10320]? Colour type of bluest
411-416 F6.1 pc Diam.37 ? Cluster diameter (2)
417-418 I2 --- ObsType.37 ? Type of observation (2)
419-420 I2 --- inRef.37 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
(ref.37) (2)
van den Bergh-Hagen data (ref.487):
421-424 F4.1 arcmin Diam.487 ? Apparent Diameter (2)
425-426 A2 --- Rich.487 Richness: vp, p, m, r, vr (2)
428 I1 --- inRef.487 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
(ref.487) (2)
430-438 A9 --- Cname * [C0-9+-] Cluster "C"
designation (4)
Various tracers:
439-442 I4 --- tr-RA [0/1212]? tracer for RA, 1950.0 (8)
443-446 I4 --- tr-GLON [0/1212]? tracer for Galactic
longitude (8)
447-450 I4 --- tr-ClNum [0/1212]? tracer for number in
sequence (8)
451-454 I4 --- tr+RA [0/1212]? tracer for RA, 1950.0 (8)
455-458 I4 --- tr+GLON [0/1212]? tracer for Galactic
longitude (8)
459-462 I4 --- tr+ClNum [0/1212]? tracer for number in
sequence (8)
Data from joint project between Janes, Tilley and Lynga (1988):
464-468 I5 pc Dist.jdl ? jdl distance modulus
470 I1 --- w_Dist.jdl [0/5]? weight class
471-475 F5.2 mag turn.jdl [-0.4/0.7]? jdl turn-off point colour
476-481 F6.0 Myr Age.jdl [0/10000]? jdl derived age
483 I1 --- w_Age.jdl [0/5]? weight class
484-488 F5.2 mag E(B-V).jdl [0/1.75]? jdl reddening
489 A1 --- n_E(B-V).jdl [v] 'v' if reddening varies
491 I1 --- w_E(B-V).jdl [0/5]? weight class
492-496 F5.2 Sun [Fe/H].jdl [0]? jdl abundance value
497-514 6I3 --- refs.jdl [1/527]? references for jdl input
Note (1): The Cluster Sequence Code has the following values:
1 NGC 2 IC 3 Berkeley 4 Czernik
5 Dolidze 6 Collinder 7 Upgren 8 Tombaugh
9 Ruprecht 10 King 11 Stock
13 Trumpler 14 Markarian 16 Haffner
17 Hogg 18 Sher 19 Feinstein 20 Harvard
21 Lynga 22 Westerlund 23 Basel 24 Blanco
25 Baractova 26 Biurakan 27 Melotte 28 Pismis
30 Trapezium 32 Pleiades
33 Graff 34 Iskudarian 35 Stephenson 36 Roslund
37 Hyades 41 van den Bergh-Hagen
42 Bochum 43 Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili
45 Antalova 46 Moffat 47 Havlen-Moffat 48 Frolov
50 van den Bergh 51 Mayer 52 Latysev
53 Sigma Ori 54 Graham 55 Aveni-Hunter 56 Loden
57 Grasdalen 58 Waterloo 59 Auner
61 Schuster 62 Danks 63 Muzzio 64 =ref.378
Note (2): this field is always blank.
Note (3): the survey may be SO, O, E, J, R, I or SR
Note on Cname (4): the "C" cluster designation has the general "format"
CHHMM+DDd, i.e. starts with the letter 'C',
followed by the right ascension (1950) in hours and minutes.
followed by the declination sign, degree and tenth of degree.
Note (5): this field is apparently in error, it contains frequently
"-1" or "**"
Note (6): w_RVel has only the values 0.0 or 1.0
Note (7): the unexplained reference (-1) exists for the clusters
C0728-168, C0728-169, C1726-324
Note (8): tracers are indexes of the previous or next entry according
to the parameter; it has been omitted for C2357+606
Byte-by-byte Description of file: galactic.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
3- 8 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
11- 16 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
18- 21 I4 --- OCL [1/1039]? OCL number (ref.19)
24- 32 A9 --- Cname Cluster name
35- 49 A15 --- Name Cluster Sequence name and number
51- 54 I4 --- LundRec [1/1212] Record number of Lund disc
Janes K.A., Tilley C., Lynga G., 1988, Astron. J. 95, 771
Historical Notes:
* Oct-1991: ADC CD-ROM "Selected Astronomical Catalogs" Vol. 1
(directory /nonstell/clusters/open) : see file "intro.doc"
* 14-Feb-1995: CDS (Francois Ochsenbein)
=> file "edited":
- removed the duplicated last two clusters C2351+614 and C2353+642
- corrected the (erroneously positive) declinations of
C0635-008 C1859-005 C0657-001 C0719-008
=> file "catalog":
- transformed into a file with 514-byte records;
- replaced blank values of 'N(UGem)' with zero;
- put sign of declinations in constant column
- removed first record with initial tracers
- corrected misalignments for C0548+217
- corrected declinations for C0717-010,
C0635-008 C1859-005 C0657-001 C0719-008
- corrected positions of C0819-360, C0820-360, C0915-495
and C1654-457 (see below)
- added C2357+606 (Berkeley 58, 1st record) which was missing
(existed in "edited", but not in "catalog")
* Cluster "C2306+606" indicates an unknown '64' ClSeq with '1'
number in file "catalog" and blank name in file "edited".
It is the only one from ref. 378 (Pfleiderer et al., 1977)
* The positions disagreed with galactic position and have been
corrected for the following clusters :
Cname Original Position from galactic
pos. 1950 (1950) (2000)
C0819-360 820.3-3614 0819.2-3601 0821.1-3611
C0820-360 821.5-3610 0820.2-3559 0822.1-3609
C0915-495 914.1-4947 0915.0-4930 0916.7-4943
C1654-457 1654.3-4551 1654.2-4543 1657.9-4548
(End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 20-Feb-1995